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NOW PLAYING: “Wi-Fi: A Redemption Tale”

A long time ago, in an airport not-so-far-away, free Wi-Fi access was given to passengers mulling about the terminals.

They sat down, opened their laptops, and rejoiced. This new amenity was mind-blowing. Exhilarating. Revolutionary, some might even say. It was one of the first airport Wi-Fi systems the world had ever seen – and of course, it emerged in Silicon Valley, at the innovative Mineta San José International Airport.

This airport continued to expand and develop, welcoming more and more passengers and connecting them with more and more destinations… but faster Wi-Fi systems started popping up at other airports, leaving SJC’s Wi-Fi in their shadows.

However, in 2022, everything changed. SJC's free Wi-Fi became faster than ever before – but the road to redemption required grit, determination... and family.

This is Wi-Fi’s story.

[Watch on Vimeo or YouTube.]