The names of our sweet chicken friends were inspired by different figures in SJC’s history and community. Get the scoop on each of their names, and learn a little bit about their personalities, too!
Ernie is the leader of the squad, and was named after Ernest H Renzel Jr., former San José mayor and the man who spearheaded the efforts to bring an airport to San José.
Ernie the Baby Chick is a sweetheart. Every day brings the opportunity for adventure, and he has big dreams of flying across and traveling the world. He also loves to show off San José to his visiting friends – there’s so much history, culture and fun in our city!
The beloved Jim was named after the first SJC Airport Director, James M. Nissen.
As a budding Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Jim the Baby Chick is a talented business chicken and a conference king. He’s always traveling to different places to network and close egg-citing new deals. Jim can be found relaxing in The Club SJC lounges before he boards his next flight. And yes, his tie is a clip-on – regular ties are hard when you have wings! Check out his latest animated visit to SJC.
Robbie’s name was inspired by Robert Fowler, an aviation pioneer who was local to San José. Decades ago, the Airport itself was almost named after Fowler. In 1913, he was the first person to make a west-to-east transcontinental flight in North America.
But Robbie the Baby Chick isn’t quite as savvy. He once accidentally flew to San José, Costa Rica instead of San José, California. This honestly happens more often than you’d think – but his friends will never let him live it down. He takes the jokes in good stride, though. He’s a chill, go-with-the-flow kind of guy who makes the best out of any situation.
Before it became the site of the San José Municipal Airport, this part of San José was Mary Ives Crocker’s ranch, which primarily produced onions. Maria’s name is a reference to Mary.
Maria is one cool Baby Chick. Her friends are always passing her the aux in the car because her music taste is just im-peck-able. She usually checks a bag and has a carry-on because she’s a bit of an over packer, but she otherwise prioritizes convenience when she travels – that’s why she only flies out of SJC!

As the San José Mineta International Airport, we wanted to give a nod to our namesake, Secretary Mineta – and that’s what Minnie’s name is.
You always want to have Minnie the Baby Chick at your side when traveling. She’s known for finding the best deals on flights, and she’s a pro souvenir shopper – every treasure she brings home for her friends is unique and thoughtful. She loves her friends! She also loves petting the therapy animals (and they become her friends pretty quickly, too).

Paul was named after Paul Birmingham, who started working for the City of San José as a Municipal Airport Engineer in 1947. Birmingham is credited with developing the entire concept of the Airport as it existed through the 1960s.
Our friend Paul the Baby Chick is an incredible SJC employee. He’s on the Facilities team, and can fix anything! He’s a friendly fellow, too. Whenever Paul works on the airfield, he waves to all the planes that pass by. He spends his free time exploring theme parks across the country (which he flies to from SJC, of course).

Pat Loomis was a librarian for the City of San José, as well as a local historian and author. She researched and wrote a history of SJC, which we have in our Airport records and which has been a huge help in developing this 75th Anniversary campaign. We have named this little chick in her honor.
Pat the Baby Chick loves to read and travel (and plane rides provide a perfect place for her to read – it’s the best of both worlds!). She also loves puns and jokes – check them out in her own animated visit to SJC!